Life-Changing Banana Bread with Cream Cheese

Video is provided below! Enjoy :)

Wow! It's been years since I have posted in here last!  2017?!  Oh, boy that was ages ago!
A lot of changes have been made since then, but quick updates as of 2020, I have a website, on Facebook page, Instagram and YouTube channel as well, under all one and the same handle: mademoisellevanilla.  Please kindly check it out and let me know what you guys think:)

My first comeback post is Life-Changing as titled, because you will never bake your banana bread the same way ever again, I promise.  Everything is great with cheese, and that's the not-so secret ingredient in this wonderful, wonderful recipe.  Guaranteed.
Ingredients for Cream Cheese mixture
1 package softened cream cheese
1/3 cup of sugar
1 egg

Ingredients for Banana Bread Batter, Life-Changing, that is!
3 bananas, ripe
1 egg
1/4 cup coconut oil, or vegetable oil
1/4 cup white sugar
1/4 cup brown sugar (I used all white)
1/4 cup sour cream or plain yogurt
1 tsp good vanilla extract
1 cup APF (All Purpose Flour)
1/2 tsp bpowder
1/2 tsp bsoda
pinch salt
handful chocolate chips, if you like!


1. Preheat oven to 350F.
2. Grease and line a 9"x4" loaf pan with parchment paper that hangs on both sides.
3. For cream cheese mixture: combine egg, cream cheese and sugar in a bowl using a fork to blend everything together.  Set in the fridge to chill, covered with plastic wrap.
4. For banana bread, combine wet ingredients like bananas, egg, sour cream, coconut oil and a teaspoon of good vanilla extract.  Mix with a spatula to combine.
5. Start adding the dry ingredients in the same bowl with bananas: sugar, all-purpose flour, basking soda, baking powder and pinch of salt.  Mix by hand to combine, or until flour is fully hydrated but not overly mixed.
6. Add a handful of chocolate chips, stir.
7. Pour half of banana batter to loaf pan, spreading on all sides, as evenly as possible.
8. Pour in all the cream cheese mixture, spreading on all sides.
9. Pour the remaining half of banana batter on top of cream cheese.  Don't worry too much if there's cream cheese peeking out.
10.  Bake in a preheated oven for about 45-50 minutes, just until it burned. Just kidding!

It is baked when an inserted skewer comes out clean, and baked bread is domed and golden on top.
If the sides are browning faster than the center, which it usually is, turn the oven temperature down to 300-325F halfway through baking, and add another 18-20 minutes, just so the banana bread bakes evenly at the center.
