Mademoiselle Vanilla turned ONE!

It was same month of December a year ago, I was in a major dilemma. After over 6 years of being a nanny at my previous employment, and being in Canada for more than 11 years, and knew nothing about the 'real world', I feel like traversing into a different field other than my job as a nanny. It was a strange feeling like an itch that doesn't go away and I wanted to do something about it right away. I talked about it, cried about it and prayed that whatever decision may came out of that, it will be for the better. 

I took care of an adorable girl when she was just 9 months old up until she turned to be a sweet girl of 7. I loved everything about her. Practically, I was her mum, 2nd to her real one. But of course, however much love I feel for her, I still need to address my life's dilemma. It really was a tough decision to navigate from the world I used to have for 11 years, day in and day out. I knew there was uncertainty to foggy future, but I put on my brave face and get on with it because I know this is what I have been wanting to do and I realized nobody will hustle for I want in life, except ME! 

Oh boy! Tough decision it really was, and I still get misty eyes just reminiscing and writing this story :(

I registered to School of Confectionary Arts at Bonnie Gordon College here in Toronto, Canada. I was sure of it, although nary a penny in my account can allow me to be a student of an expensive private career college, let alone quit my job. Ha! 

Haters and non-believers? Oh yeah, they were real. They are drifting in the background like a dementor, sucking a beautiful mind. They were there to pop your big balloon of dreams. But, of course, one's mind has the need of a major clean up for 'so-called friends' like a computer when it's full of virus and whatever. Right? 
I wish them one thing-- peace of mind, and ignored them :)

'Nothing is impossible if you believe', so they say. And believe I did. From day one.  Every single day. 
I am so lucky to have been surrounded by kind and generous people, and of course I will keep them! Really fortunate that my wish were granted and my dreams unfolding right before my eyes :) 

So, last December 2014, I launched Mademoiselle Vanilla blog, and the following days, I started my journey in the school of pastry world.

I can't believe time went by quickly, and months after I graduated, orders are coming in for Mademoiselle Vanilla! Some days were good, some days were blahs, but as weeks go by we are getting busier, and we love delivering happiness and quality to every door step in the form of cakes and pastries. 

Wherever this journey may take us, and how ever long to get there, we are just happy to be baking one day at a time. 

To GOD be the glory!

Party without a cake is just a meeting, right? So we baked a cake and yup, ate it for breakfast! 

