No-Bake Lavender Cheesecake (Raw, Vegan and Dairy-free)

I have been searching for some cheesecake that doesn't include dairy, and this is what I came across with. At first, I was skeptical, as to what the flavour of this cheesecake will be. Will it be tasting like a real cheesecake, or will I just set up myself for an unsuccessful attempt? Coconut oil in cheesecake? Really?

So, the adventure began on my little kitchen, and erased the skepticism in me.

I started with all-organic ingredients, although I didn't try it with a non-organic recipe, I don't really have anything to compare it with, but I must say that this cheesecake is beyond what I imagined for. Although I never really measure my ingredients to a tee, this came out really well. And so easy to make!

Let's get started!

NO-BAKE LAVENDER CHEESECAKE (Raw, Vegan and Dairy-free)
Yields to 6" cake pan

1/4 cup dates
1 and 1/2 cup of nuts (I used cashew; almonds as another option)

1 and 1/2 cup cashew
juice of 1 lemon (or less if you don't want it too lemony)
5 Tbsp of agave
6 Tbsp of melted coconut oil
1 banana
1 tsp vanilla extract
sea salt to taste

Line the cake pan with parchment paper, if you don't have a removable bottom pan. Pulse the dates and cashew nuts into food processor, or in a blender until combined. Spread and press into the prepared pan with your fingers.
Combine the cheesecake ingredients into a blender until smooth and creamy. Pour into the crust, and refrigerate until set, about 3-4 hours.
Garnish with your favorite edible organic flower.


Mademoiselle Vanilla
