Mademoiselle Vanilla Gourmet Marshmallows

Gourmet Marshmallows

This post is homage to one of my favorite snack when I was a child. Reminiscent of a cloudy-like one-bite snack, sweet but not overly sweet, soft and gooey. As a child with overwhelming curiosity of how they make my snacks so yummy and addictive, I keep a lot of unanswered questions, and I guess I reverted to just keep on snacking, and wondering at the same time how did they make this & how did they do that because I would have bugged my mom for ingredients and just make a huge mess in our kitchen during my childhood days. Hmm, I don't think we had a hand-mixer, and I wasn't even sure if I was allowed to make a mess back then.

French called it "guimauves". In plain, old english, understood by many in just one bite, it's marshmallows. Guimauves are so easy to make, you just need to be patient though in letting it sit overnight and not dig in after it's made. This one is so addictive right after you whisked it. TIP: you might as well lick the whisk clean, and not waste it, because it's that good!
Oh hello there! You know what I'm talking about, right?

Strawberry marshmallows was a breeze, but mango? Oh boy! I wasted one batch because I thought my meringue turned into a liquid mess, and couldn't revived it. But, if I had been more patient, it was salvageable. Oh well, we learn by doing.

Anyway, let's get started with the basics.

Strawberry Guimauve 

6 Tbsp strawberry puree
1 Tbsp + 1/4 tsp of gelatin powder
3/4 cup of sugar
6 Tbsp water
2 Tbsp eggwhites
1/8 tsp vanilla
pinch of salt
Line a 6"x6" square pan with parchment paper.
Dissolve gelatin over strawberry puree, stir to soften, and set aside.

Combine sugar and water to small saucepan. Stir over medium heat until dissolved. Careful not to stir once it starts to boil, as the sugar will crystallize and won't be useful for this recipe. Increase the heat to medium-high until the hot syrup registers to 255 F in your candy thermometer, and this is what we call the "soft ball stage". By visually testing for soft ball stage while it's bubbling and boiling, if you don't have a candy thermometer-- use a clean spoon, drop a small amount of hot sugar syrup into cold water. When picked up, it should flatten in the palm of your hand in few seconds. Add the strawberry puree with dissolved gelatin and vanilla.

Start whisking the egg whites to medium stiff peaks. Add hot syrup to the whites in a slow, steady stream. Add salt, and continue to whisk until all is incorporated. Continue whisking until the whisk leaves a trail in the mixture.

With a strainer, dust 50 percent of powdered sugar and 50 percent potato starch into the parchment-lined pan before pouring the mixture in. Flatten out with a small offset spatula. Dust with 50/50 sugar and starch to finish off the top. Let it set overnight. before digging in!

TIP: Use a hot knife to get a clean cut, or use an oiled metal cookie cutter for different shapes.

 ~Strawberry Marshmallows~

 ~Mango Marshmallows garnished with mint leaves~

 ~Mango Marshmallows garnished with mint leaves~

~Gourmet Marshmallows: coffee and chocolate~

 Mademoiselle Vanilla by Donna Maramba 
