Whoa! Happy June 1st!
I hear a lot of people complaining how time flies so fast, and I won't deny that I'm not one of them. Last week, I was eagerly waiting for Thursday, and now that it's Monday, it felt like the days are skipping three days fast!
Anyway, speaking of time running fast, I happen to browse my old cake stuff and here's what I found. This cake was made in February 2013 as a birthday present for the child I'm taking care of, who loves to do a plie and pirouette. If my memory serves me well, the top tier was an almond cake, and the rest was vanilla. One thing for sure I remember-- everyone liked it!
And really, not a single crumb left!
I made the ballerina sugar paste waaaaay ahead of time, and was glad because it really took me 4 and half hours to complete the whole of it, and honestly the photo wasn't a step-by-step instruction or something (would be nice what to expect if it was). Whew! The photo I referred to was one of the photos from Bonnie Gordon College. At that time, (sigh) I was reminiscent of attending the college if only I was that eager to move into a different career path. If art really is in someone else's blood so to speak, it would find its way to let the creative juice ooze out from your veins! Lol. And looking back from where I am right now, I was glad I made the move!
This cake was made two years ago. I can spot all the imperfections, scratch my head and laugh about it today!What the heck was I thinking? I wonder what my BGC instructors would think? Oh boy, was it fun making this one!
But this little beauty here sure made me so proud of myself! I call her Lauren, after all it was meant to resemble her human form, Miss Lauren.
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