Swiss Meringue Buttercream

Swiss Meringue "Kiss My" Buttercream
(renamed just for fun lol)

I made my very first Swiss Meringue Buttercream two years ago. Due to inexperience, it turned into a liquid mess that I had to throw away every bit of "liquefied butter" into the garbage. The second time I made SMBC, it was done perfectly because I had someone with experience of making buttercream succesfully. 

Now, for the THIRD TIME, I attempted to do it all by myself without supervision. I can finally share with you guys the succesful SMBC I whipped up on Valentines Day for another "Frozen" themed birthday cake that I was commissioned to.

(I guess I could rearrange the acronym too as SMKMBC. LOL.) 

Here's the step by step procedure of making the perfect Swiss Meringue Buttercream.


First, dissolve sugar into the mixing bowl with eggwhites over a pot of simmering water. Continue whisking until the sugar is finally dissolved while keeping an eye to avoid cooking the eggwhites further. I don't know about you, but I don't like bits and strips of cooked eggwhites on my buttercream except when I'm making an omelette! Lol.   

Use a candy thermometer, and wait until it registers to 60 degree centigrade before removing from the pot of simmering water. Don't fret if you don't have one! 

You can test it with your index finger and thumb, making sure there are no traces of granulated sugar when rubbed between your fingertips, and that mixture is warm to the touch. Be careful with the bottom of the mixing bowl as it will be hot to the touch. 

Next, whisk the eggwhite mixture starting from low speed and gradually increasing up to #7 speed setting of your stand mixer, about 10 minutes. Or until medium stiff peaks formed, and the bottom of the mixing bowl has cooled down to room temperature.   

You can now add softened butter to the meringue one spoonful at a time (please be sure that the mixture has come to room temperature before adding the butter to avoid turning it to a liquid mess!). Making sure that butter is well incorporated before adding the next one. 

When half of the butter is added, you will notice the mixture curdles. Don't worry it's part of the process. Continue whisking, and add the rest of the butter

Lastly, add salt and vanilla. Continue whisking until the meringue turned into a unified smooth mixture.

Now, SMBC is ready to be the icing on your cake!

Mademoiselle Vanilla

Another succesful testing of online recipe. This was adapted from Martha Stewart Buttercream. Click here for recipe.
